At Home With: Samantha Faiers
18 March 2022
This week we sat down with Samantha Faiers, mother and businesswoman, to talk bedtime routines, how to choose a new bed, and finding time for yourself. As parents of young children, and currently expecting their third child Sam and her partner Paul have some great tips and experience to share.
Finding time for self-care amid our busy lifestyle can be a challenge; sticking to a wind-down routine can help make time for the calm. Routines work exceptionally well with young children, and Sam says, “Our wind-down period consists of a nice warm bath and then aim to get into bed no later than 7:30 pm with either a book or sometimes a film. It’s my favourite time of day, laying with the children and reflecting on their days.” Wind-down routines also allow you to have some designated me-time, a chance to relieve stresses from the day; Sam’s top tip to managing stress is to find a relaxing playlist on Spotify and get into bed, aiming to have 7-9 hours sleep each night.
Samantha and partner Paul are expecting their third baby and Sam is currently in her third trimester; during pregnancy she’s found her sleep to be disrupted “I’m struggling to get comfortable with the bump getting bigger and baby pushing on my bladder.” Pregnancy can significantly impact the number of hours you can sleep and your quality of sleep. Most women experience sleep problems during pregnancy, with a proportion feeling exhausted around the clock and others suffering from insomnia. Sleep disruption continues through to birth, with frequent wake-ups during the night for feeding; Sam recommends to “try to get your sleep during the day when the baby sleeps where possible.” And to “not be afraid to ask for help if you have family and friends that you can ask, and don’t rush with getting yourself back to normal” while exhaustion is common, Sam mentions, “The newborn stage doesn’t last long, so try to enjoy every moment even if you are tired.”
The quality of your bed plays a huge role in ensuring you have the most restful sleep possible; when looking for a new bed, Sam recommends focusing on the size and quality. When it came to buying a new one, Vispring was the only choice for Sam and her family. “It was always a dream bed for us, I figured you spend a huge percentage of life in your bed, and I wanted the best quality on the market.”
Whether you, like Sam, choose to co-sleep with your children or transition them into their beds when they get older, it’s essential to make their beds just as comfortable as yours, “Paul and Rosie both have their Vispring beds that I know eventually, any time soon, they will be sleeping in”.

Getting enough sleep for yourself is one way of getting essential self-care, and if pregnant, better care for your baby. Fatigue can impair your judgment, cause irritability, and even make you more accident-prone – none of which is good for you or your little one(s). Be unapologetic about prioritising sleep.
Finding time for self-care amid our busy lifestyle can be a challenge; sticking to a wind-down routine can help make time for the calm. Routines work exceptionally well with young children, and Sam says, “Our wind-down period consists of a nice warm bath and then aim to get into bed no later than 7:30 pm with either a book or sometimes a film. It’s my favourite time of day, laying with the children and reflecting on their days.” Wind-down routines also allow you to have some designated me-time, a chance to relieve stresses from the day; Sam’s top tip to managing stress is to find a relaxing playlist on Spotify and get into bed, aiming to have 7-9 hours sleep each night.
Samantha and partner Paul are expecting their third baby and Sam is currently in her third trimester; during pregnancy she’s found her sleep to be disrupted “I’m struggling to get comfortable with the bump getting bigger and baby pushing on my bladder.” Pregnancy can significantly impact the number of hours you can sleep and your quality of sleep. Most women experience sleep problems during pregnancy, with a proportion feeling exhausted around the clock and others suffering from insomnia. Sleep disruption continues through to birth, with frequent wake-ups during the night for feeding; Sam recommends to “try to get your sleep during the day when the baby sleeps where possible.” And to “not be afraid to ask for help if you have family and friends that you can ask, and don’t rush with getting yourself back to normal” while exhaustion is common, Sam mentions, “The newborn stage doesn’t last long, so try to enjoy every moment even if you are tired.”
The quality of your bed plays a huge role in ensuring you have the most restful sleep possible; when looking for a new bed, Sam recommends focusing on the size and quality. When it came to buying a new one, Vispring was the only choice for Sam and her family. “It was always a dream bed for us, I figured you spend a huge percentage of life in your bed, and I wanted the best quality on the market.”
Whether you, like Sam, choose to co-sleep with your children or transition them into their beds when they get older, it’s essential to make their beds just as comfortable as yours, “Paul and Rosie both have their Vispring beds that I know eventually, any time soon, they will be sleeping in”.

Getting enough sleep for yourself is one way of getting essential self-care, and if pregnant, better care for your baby. Fatigue can impair your judgment, cause irritability, and even make you more accident-prone – none of which is good for you or your little one(s). Be unapologetic about prioritising sleep.